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It was hypothesized that the Montessori curriculum accelerates the acquisition of a number of concrete operational skills. To test this, eighty 4-year-old children were given three Piagetian problems—seriation, classification, and conservation. Half of the subjects were from Montessori schools, and the other half were from more traditional nursery settings. Within each type of school, half of the children were first year and the other half were second year enrollees. Results showed that significantly more Montessori than traditional children seriated and classified objects like concrete thinkers but that there were no differences on the conservation problem. Year of enrollment did not influence performance on any of the tasks. It was concluded that the hypothesis was confirmed and that the failure to find acceleration of conservation performance was due to its advanced nature relative to the other problems and/or the tangential manner in which Montessori exercises deal with the critical concepts that underly it.  相似文献   
高校实践教学质量监控的探索与实践   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
实践教学是与理论教学紧密联系又相对独立的一种非常重要的教学环节,在高校人才培养方案中起着理论教学不可替代的作用。在实践教学中,要完善实践教学管理与评价制度,构建实践教学内容体系,建立实践教学质量监控的组织管理机构,加强实践教学常规管理信息工作。只有如此,才能从根本上使实践教学取得良好的实效。  相似文献   
论高校学报编辑应具备的素质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校学报作为文化交流、学术争鸣、促进科技发展和应用的重要阵地。科学性、知识性和学术性构成了其性质。它反映的是高校科研领域的新成果、新动态,并为教学和科研服务。学报质量的高低、社会影响范围的大小、作者投稿的多少,均取决于编辑素质的高低。所以,大力提高编辑的综合素质是提高学报质量的关键。  相似文献   
钦州学院学科专业的调整建设,要正视其现状,总结分析以往学科专业建设的成绩与问题、优势与不足;充分认识对现有学科专业进行调整、优化,加强建设,是广西沿海地区经济社会发展的客观要求,钦州产业发展战略目标实施的现实需要,学科自身发展的内在要求;要围绕“创特色、扬优势、强基础、拓领域、组体系”去开展。具体的措施策略是:创新办学路子,发展学科专业;创新人才工作,引进和培养学科带头人;创新财物管理办法,保障学科专业调整顺利进行;创新课题建设和科研工作,增大支撑力度。  相似文献   
加强大学生社会公德意识的培养是全面推进素质教育的根本要求,在分析实际情况阐述大学生社会公德缺失现象及原因的基础上,提出高校要结合学习贯彻《公民道德建设实施纲要》,采取多种措施,使大学生树立良好的社会公德意识,遵守社会公德规范。  相似文献   
This paper reviews research on students’ usage of university counselling services across countries and their demographic and psychological characteristics. In doing so, emphasis is given to reported distinctions between local and international university students. Utilisation rates, encouraging factors and barriers to utilisation, presenting problems, and methodological problems with existing studies are each examined. The findings suggest that only a minority of between 2% and 4% of university students access such services, with females being more likely to use them than males. International students in particular underutilise these services, and this is primarily due to such students’ preference for seeking help from family or friends over outside sources. When students do seek assistance, their presenting issues most commonly involve symptoms of depression or anxiety, as well as academic and relationship difficulties.  相似文献   
本文通过对我国目前高校基础研究工作现状及存在问题的深入分析,提出了对加强高校基础研究工作的几点建议。  相似文献   
昆明大学2002~2006年发表论文的计量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献计量学方法,以《中国期刊全文数据库》为数据源,对昆明大学2002—2006年在国内公开刊物上发表的学术论文进行定量和定性研究,提供各项数量和质量指标统计数据和测评结果,为客观评价学院科研实力和学术水平,为昆明学院下一步教学、科研建设及人才培养,提供客观依据和决策参考。  相似文献   
目的:比较分析高等院校女生人格状况,为高校女生人格教育提供实证依据。方法:运用大学人格问卷(UPI)在湖南省的某理工院校对504名2005级女生进行人格测查,并抽取男生样本858名作为性别比较因素。结果:(1)有第一类人格问题的女大学生比例显著高于男大学生;女大学生UPI分数显著高于男大学生。(2)女大学生人格问题症状选择率排前列的项目依次为:在乎别人的视线,缺乏自信心,过于担心将来的事情,父母期望过高,情绪起伏过大。(3)非独生女与独生女的UPI分数不存在显著差异;农村生源女生UPI分数显著高于城镇生源女生;文科类女生UPI分数显著高于理工类女生。结论:女大学生人格问题比男生严重,农村生源女生人格问题比城镇生源女生严重,文科类女生人格问题比理工科女生严重;应高度重视女大学生尤其是农村生源女生和理工院校中文科类女生的人格健康教育,以优化她们的心理素质。  相似文献   
高等教育信息化是推动我国高等学校实现跨越式发展的战略选择。高等教育信息化从整体上影响高等教育,并且带来高等院校教学内容的变化,教学形式的变革,教学制度和组织形式的变更,教育思想和教育观念的不断更新。  相似文献   
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